Thursday, January 04, 2007


Hypocrisy – Double standards – two-facedness, whatever you want to call it; can you believe what is coming out of the federal house? The Republicans are clearly standing in a glass house right now and trying to throw rocks! What am I talking about you ask? The republican minorities in the federal government are crying unfair as the democrats begin to unveil their plan for America over the next 2 years – Seriously..? Wasn’t it just last year that the republicans threatened to change the laws if their nominee wasn’t confirmed for the supreme court? So what’s good for the goose apparently is not good for the gander in the republicans eyes.

I can’t wait to see what happens over the next year, what do you think?


Blogger NY LeVau said...

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10:52 PM  
Blogger NY LeVau said...

really brent show this blog some lovin. No more general thoughts whats up with you would be more interasting maybe a few pic

10:55 PM  

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