Saturday, July 30, 2005

How much TV do you watch per day and why?


Blogger NY LeVau said...

Not nearly enough! Why because I have a 4 month old.

6:37 AM  
Blogger NY LeVau said...

okay it's been a month you have to think harder brent one intelligent thought every couple of months is not setting a good example for the next generation of LeVau's :-)

9:53 AM  
Blogger levau5 said...

Not nearly enough, c'mon, we all know you watch at least a half a day of TV per day...:)

OK, just fo ryou I iwll either change my theme or try to coem up with a new one..

7:04 AM  
Blogger NY LeVau said...

I will keep checking back for a new improved blogger :-)

11:47 AM  
Blogger Ronson E LeVau said...

About an hour, except on the day I can catch up by watching the three hours I record weekly, which works out to... 1.43 hours per day on average.

P.S. You should really put something else up here, or everyone will belive that you have had only one intelligent thought

2:03 PM  

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