Saturday, April 08, 2006

How do you measure intelligence?

Some people do so by their status in life, others by their grades achieved in school and still others by the volume of information stored within. I believe that none of these are adequate measures of pure intelligence, simply tests of persistence and will!

I believe that the only way to adequately measure intelligence is to measure the time it takes for somebody to learn, and apply, a new topic or subject. That measurement of time would translate directly to ones intellect, so if somebody else could master said task quicker, and apply said knowledge quicker and more efficiently then their counter, then they are clearly more intelligent.

Of course, different people learn differently, so the test is still flawed unless you allow each individual to find their own path. One may choose classroom while the other chooses apprenticeship and still a third may choose self study, all very good methods.

Your thoughts..?


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