Thursday, January 04, 2007


Hypocrisy – Double standards – two-facedness, whatever you want to call it; can you believe what is coming out of the federal house? The Republicans are clearly standing in a glass house right now and trying to throw rocks! What am I talking about you ask? The republican minorities in the federal government are crying unfair as the democrats begin to unveil their plan for America over the next 2 years – Seriously..? Wasn’t it just last year that the republicans threatened to change the laws if their nominee wasn’t confirmed for the supreme court? So what’s good for the goose apparently is not good for the gander in the republicans eyes.

I can’t wait to see what happens over the next year, what do you think?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Immigration, the new hot topic...

Are you for or against Georges law?

So, there are demonstrations everywhere and you are wondering, "which side of the fence am I on"?

OK, let's take a look:

Seriously, what is wrong with giving all those illegals a ticket right? I mean, really, who else is going to do all those wacked out jobs? They must be jobs nobody else really wants to do, at least, not for that price. And look at all the tax revenue we are going to get, the back taxes alone should catch the deficit up right?

Ok, OK, OK, I know, you are probably thinking, "what about all the repressed poor people that can't get the job because of those illegals"? There are plenty of people willing to build a house or put a roof on it, and the elderly rely on easy jobs for retirement purposes in fast food restaurants, and farming is a good learning ground for teenagers as their first jobs, teaches responsibility.

So here is what I am thinking:

What about all of the legal immigrants? You know, the ones that actually went through the proper channels to obtain legal citizenship! It is hard to become a citizen, most naturals couldn't pass the test. You have to wait 5 years - 5 years, can you imagine? Is it really fair to all of them, to just give it away to the people that broke the law to get here? What message are we sending to the immigrants already in the process?

your thoughts?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

How do you measure intelligence?

Some people do so by their status in life, others by their grades achieved in school and still others by the volume of information stored within. I believe that none of these are adequate measures of pure intelligence, simply tests of persistence and will!

I believe that the only way to adequately measure intelligence is to measure the time it takes for somebody to learn, and apply, a new topic or subject. That measurement of time would translate directly to ones intellect, so if somebody else could master said task quicker, and apply said knowledge quicker and more efficiently then their counter, then they are clearly more intelligent.

Of course, different people learn differently, so the test is still flawed unless you allow each individual to find their own path. One may choose classroom while the other chooses apprenticeship and still a third may choose self study, all very good methods.

Your thoughts..?

Updating my blog

WOW, you guys are tough, OK, I am going to try to come up with a new topic every week, on Sundays. Understand though that I am a single guy, that means I do not spend as much time home as you do...


Saturday, July 30, 2005

How much TV do you watch per day and why?